Aos あざみ野ワンストップ合同会社 Azamino One-stop LLC
Aos 行政書士あざみ野ワンストップ法務事務所 Azamino One-stop Administrative Lawyer's Office
You would probably get reassured by calling an attorney or a trust bank in Japan but, at the same time, it might result in a high cost. It is true, for example, that not a few Japanese companies are still operating such company meetings in the same old manner as in the years before Commercial Code was last amended
and Companies Act was put in force; you might better, even only once, let someone you can trust review your company procedures of the meetings. Our expert staff (an administrative lawyer) would be honored to be of service.

building engineering, purchase and sale, lease, telecommunications, other utilities, etc.
Most companies should be operating these jobs by way of agents or contractors in Japan. It is normally supposed, therefore, that the staff in charge of those could spare enough time to do other (main) jobs. Not a few staff would be, however, probably spending significant time just in communicating with the agents or contractors and it might be one of your business challenges to minimize this kind of turnaround time.

On the other hand, though this kind of communication experience of the staff could create a skill for the future, it also has an aspect of lukewarm experience, in terms of human resources development, because your staff are not doing these jobs by themselves.
We have an experienced expert, who has been working with various kinds of agents and contractors to finish jobs in the shortest possible time. It could be worth serious consideration to purchase these kinds of outside experience and expertise to save your company's human resources for your main business line.
These jobs would probably have been managed by general affairs departments of most companies, in Japan. Most companies should have their headquarters in urban areas and, therefore, it would be especially indispensable for them to keep good relationship with their neighborhood. Even the staff of establishments and factories in rural areas have to be sensitive enough to their neighborhood. Public companies also have to cope with stressful shareholder meeting within a couple of years. It should not be an easy task to cope with the above-mentioned events adequately, but in the shortest possible time.

We have an experienced expert (an administrative lawyer), who has been dealing with various kinds of such stressful situations including shareholder meetings, of course, meetings to explain to local residents and coping with antisocial forces. It could be, therefore, a reasonable choice to "purchase relief" from outside.
transfer andcompany split) and business transfer
We have an experienced expert (an administrative lawyer) with extensive background in this field, who has been in conference with various kinds of professional agents for the above-captioned issues. We would perform a sufficient level of interview with you or your company staff so that you would be well-informed of the necessary communications with professional agents, as well as whole working process up to the final completion. (We would also communicate with the professional agents on your behalf, at your request.)