Aos あざみ野ワンストップ合同会社 Azamino One-stop LLC
Aos 行政書士あざみ野ワンストップ法務事務所 Azamino One-stop Administrative Lawyer's Office
These employee benefit programs constitute a "substructure" of your company in Japan to keep capable human resources together, at least to some extent, but not a few companies seem to fail to spare enough human resources for such institutional designing, being wrapped up in their daily routine, and spend their days with little progress. This situation, however, might possibly undermine the management of your company in the future.

On the other hand, it should be examined on a cost-benefit basis if your company staff should be put on the project to spend significant time up to the final completion:
(1) the human resources development as the result of the project and
(2) the demerit from staff shortage in your main business line due to putting the required staff into the project, which would be the one to be organized probably only once or twice during the lifetime of your company.
Our expert has participated in various kinds of projects, and has done even specific jobs, to set up company infrastructure finally into the staff's daily work. It could be a meaningful business judgment to purchase these kinds of outside experience and expertise to save your company's human resources for your main business line.
You might probably hesitate to leave all the groundwork of these jobs to external contractors in Japan. At the same time, however, you might also dither over whether or not to put the required company human resources into the jobs because these jobs would be, in terms of human resources development, out of your main business line.

coping with various kinds of business aspects to solve the situation in the shortest possible time. It could be a reasonable decision to purchase these kinds of outside experience and expertise to save maximum human resources for your main business line.
We have an experienced expert (an administrative lawyer), who has been
In the field of personnel affairs, we could support your planning of personnel evaluation system, guidance in bonus assessment, interviews with your company employees and coping with mental health issues. (We are not handling social insurance procedures and payroll accounting.) We have an experienced expert who has
① conducted interviews with several hundred employees a year and built out a database for human resources development and transfer planning for several years,

② made a manager's manual to cope with mental health issues and conducted interviews with long-term absentees, and
③ obtained the qualification of "Career Consultant for Women" and conducted interviews with female employees for several years.
If you are facing difficulty recruiting a specialist or cultivating human resource who should be capable of the mission, we might be of assistance.
insider-trading regulations, etc.)
You might probably hesitate to leave all the groundwork of these jobs to external contractors in Japan. On the other hand, however, you might also dither over whether or not to put the required company human resources into the jobs because it would take so much time to let your company staff attend seminars, make a presentation on institutional designing back in your company and finally start the daily operation. If these are urgent issues, "closed innovation" by your company's own resources could lead to a dead end.

We have an experienced expert (an administrative lawyer) with extensive background in this field, who could solve such a situation in the shortest possible time. It could be a reasonable choice to purchase these kinds of outside experience and expertise to save maximum human resources for your main business line.